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The Book of Boredom and Playfulness, 2015, silkscreen.
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"El llibre de l'avorriment i del joc" és una edició serigràfica marcada pel tedi de les tasques quotidianes i l'espai del taller de gravat on treballava, i el joc, o vitalitat sobtada, que transformava esbossos anodins sobre l'espai i els objectes del taller, en móns propis.
The book of boredom and playfulness is a silkscreen edition shaped by the tediousness of everyday chores and the space of a printmaking studio I was working in, and a sudden playfulness, which transformed ordinary sketches of the printshop's objects and space, into their own worlds.
Silkscreen on white Stonhenge paper. 11”x 7,5”. Edition of 12.