l a i a s o l e
created with indexhibit
e- , 2016, performance
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A e- Nicolás Dumit-Estévez i Laia Solé van treballar per a transformar l'espai de la galeria Cuchifritos Gallery (Nova York) a través d'una gran varietat de materials verds i tecnologia videogràfica, fent que imatges de la vida del mercat Essex Market inundéssin l'espai expositiu. e- va ser part de l'exposició Lettuce, Artichokes, Red Beets, Mangoes, Broccoli, Honey and Nutmeg: The Essex Market as Collaborator, en què vaig convidar el comissari que m'havia convidat, a col·laborar i fer aquesta permormance junts.
Nicolás Dumit-Estévez and Laia Solé worked to chroma key the Cuchifritos Gallery’s space with a vast array of green materials, allowing pre-recorded footage of activities in the Essex Marketflood the exhibition space. e- was part of the exhibition Lettuce, Artichokes, Red Beets, Mangoes, Broccoli, Honey and Nutmeg: The Essex Market as Collaborator, in which I invited the curator who had invited me to perform together.
Fragment of the video >>