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Small scale economy, 2013/15, litography & chine collée
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Small scale economy, que podria traduir-se al català per economia d'escala domèstica, explora les economies informals a l'espai públic que van emergir en el context de post-crisis. Des de 2013 a 2015 vaig dibuixar dispositius mòbils que havien estat reapropiats per a recollir i vendre items de segona mà.

Small scale economy explores informal economies in public spaces as they emerged in the context of post-crisis in Spain. From 2013 to 2015 I draw Ali's repurposed shopping cart used to collect and sell second hand items. I was interested in the ways he assembled them, in the life of such items, which spoke of its former owners and the future ones, and the frequency in which items where sold and bought.

Monographs: lithography and chine collée (24"x24" edition of 6)