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Guaritas, 2015, photo
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Guaritas és una recerca visual per al treball Chromakeying, on explorava els obstacles a l'espai urbà, com murs, tanques i les arquitectures de vigilància. El 2015, a partir de la invitació a participar a l'exposició Construyendo Democracia aquesta recerca fotogràfica que vaig realitzar al barri Jardims Europa de Sao Paulo (Brasil, 2012) va prendre forma.
Guaritas [security booths] is a visual research for Chromakeying, where I explored urban obstacles, such as architectures for surveillance. It was not until 2015, within the invitation to participate in the exhibition Construyendo Democracia that the photographic research I carried in the neighborhood of Jardims Europa Sao Paulo, Brazil, 2012, took its own shape.
Series of 10 photographic archival inkjet prints, 42cm x 42 each.
Construyendo Democracia Fundació Chirivella-Soriano, València, curated by José Luis Giner, and with the participation of the following artists: Xavier Arenós, Colectivo Cambalache, Santiago Cirugeda, DEMOCRACIA, Domènec, Alicia Framis and Laia Solé.