l a i a s o l e

created with indexhibit

Contact, 2024, photography and silkscreen

As part of an image-based research on care, I asked my mother to go through the family photo archives seeking for images showing contact between bodies. The act of delegating the search to her was a way to involve her in thinking about care within the family history, in recognizing it, as well as an act of caring in itself. I worked with the pictures she curated (selected) and rephotographed and isolated the moments of contact.

https://laiasole.net:443/files/gimgs/th-115_PHOTO-2023-12-12-10-16-50 3.jpg
https://laiasole.net:443/files/gimgs/th-115_PHOTO-2023-12-12-10-16-49 2.jpg
https://laiasole.net:443/files/gimgs/th-115_PHOTO-2023-12-12-10-16-50 6.jpg
https://laiasole.net:443/files/gimgs/th-115_PHOTO-2023-12-12-10-16-50 4.jpg
https://laiasole.net:443/files/gimgs/th-115_Laia Sole-2_web.jpg
https://laiasole.net:443/files/gimgs/th-115_Laia Sole-4 2_web.jpg
https://laiasole.net:443/files/gimgs/th-115_Laia Sole-3_web.jpg