l a i a s o l e
created with indexhibit
e-, 2015, performance
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Nicolás Dumit-Estévez i Laia Solé intervenen el lobby del Drawing Center a través d'un gran nombre de materials de color verd, permetent que imatges de la vida als carrers veïns de SOHO i Chinatown inundin l'espai expositiu.
Nicolás Dumit-Estévez and Laia Solé worked to chroma key the Drawing Center’s lobby with a vast array of green materials, allowing pre-recorded footage of activities in the streets of SOHO and Chinatown to flood the exhibition space.
Fragment of the video >>
e- was part of “Open Sessions” developed by The Drawing Center, New York, 2015. The exhibition featured the work of of Colleen Asper & Marika Kandelaki, Matt Bua, Maurice Carlin (with Anne Gilman, Ethan Hayes-Chute, Annette Knol, Elizabeth Leister and Michael Namkung), Kerry Downey, Nicolas Dumit Estevez and Laia Sole, Maximilian Goldfarb, Brad Killam, Kamau Patton, and Lior Shvil.